Successful Experience
- Over 30 years in sales, sales management, and marketing
- Experience building effective sales and marketing teams in a variety of industry sectors
- Experience in virtually all distribution channels including B2B, B2C, two-step distribution, OEM, and retail, both in the U.S. and overseas.
- Experience working with over 130 business and organizations in Western New York
Measurable Results delivered to clients
- Increased Sales
- More New Customers and qualified Prospects
- Increased Productivity
- Stronger sense of Accountability
- More accurate Forecasting
- Higher Motivation and Morale
- Improved Communications
- Reduced Turnover
Leadership and Community Service
- Amherst Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Founding Chairman-Business Resource Council
- Buffalo Sales and Marketing Executives- Programming Committee; Board of Directors
- Greater Buffalo YMCA - Board of Directors; Co-Chair-Partner with Youth Campaign
- St. Gregory the Great Parish - Capital Drive Steering Committee Chair
- Buffalo Executives Association - Board of Directors; Chairman- Rules Committee; Membership Committee
- University at Buffalo, Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership- Mentor, Reactor, Honorary Member- Alumni Association Board of Directors