Growth Minute

After much prodding from my clients over the past 15 years, I decided to launch 'The Growth Minute' initiative. While mainly directed to owners of small to mid-sized businesses, my goal is to provide content that all business and professional people will find interesting, valuable and quick to read.

I will be touching on what I call the 4 Pillars of Business: People, Products, Processes and Planning. I've worked with hundreds of business people over the past 30 years, and these are the areas we focus on in order to elevate revenue and net earnings.

I hope you enjoy the Growth Minute. If you do, feel free to forward them to your friends, acquaintances and business associates. Remember, a referral is the ultimate compliment in business!

All the Best,

P.S. If you are not a subscriber already, please complete the contact form and I’ll add you to my mailing list.

Yearly Planning Checklist

Yearly Planning Checklist

January is an important for every successful, growing business. As every runner knows, the start and finish of the race are critical to winning.

Ideally, the annual planning process starts in mid-October, and is complete by December 20th, just before the holidays. That’s the best time to do it…The second best time is right now! Don’t just muddle your way through another year without a documented plan in place. As I’ve said before, failing to plan is planning to fail. Don’t start your journey with a dirty windshield and no road map!

Thursday, July 5, 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1647)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Growth Minute
The Power of Face-to-Face in a Digital World

The Power of Face-to-Face in a Digital World

“The reality is, that face-to-face interaction builds trust and allows everyone to better understand how each individual is wired”...Businessweek magazine

People do business with People. Technological tools like phone, email, voicemail, instant messaging, texting, conference calls, etc. are effective and, in fact, indispensable in the Digital Age.

Thursday, July 5, 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1688)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Growth Minute
Guidelines for Productive Meetings

Guidelines for Productive Meetings

These tips will help you place for your next meeting and help make your meeting as productive as possible.

Thursday, July 5, 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1546)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Growth Minute
Failing to Plan is planning to fail…Winston Churchill

Failing to Plan is planning to fail…Winston Churchill

A football coach wouldn’t dare walk onto the field at the Superbowl without a detailed gameplan. A General would never commit his troops to combat without a well thought-out battle plan.

So why do so many small business owners operate day to day without  short and long term business plans? More often than not, when I request planning documents from business owners, they smile and point to their heads…”It’s all up here”, they answer.

Thursday, July 5, 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (2449)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Growth Minute
When it comes to teamwork, one plus one equals three

When it comes to teamwork, one plus one equals three

I have been a management consultant for over ten years. My specialty is top line Growth.

At some point, most of my engagements involve the use of cross-functional teams from within the company, firm or organization.

Thursday, July 5, 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1769)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Growth Minute